Berberine Outperforms Valium as Sleep Aid


In this video, Dr. Katz and Dr. Gildea highlight how berberine significantly outperforms diazaepam (valium) in helping people sleep.  Try our bioavailable berberine, BerbElite, which is on sale now.

Listen time: 3 minutes

Find the original study here.



Martin Katz (00:04):

Hi, I'm Martin Katz, double board-certified in family medicine and sports medicine with an emphasis on prevention and health. Joined today by John Gildea, PhD from Johns Hopkins and a university professor. And together we're founders of BrocElite, now BerbElite, and a bunch of other products coming away from Mara Labs.

                Today, we're going to talk about, again, BerbElite, which is a berberine product, and this was something I was not aware of. I'm tremendously aware of it in my clinical practice, as far as mood and sleep, especially with this whole pandemic and everything that's been going on over the last few years. Been seeing a lot of people having a lot of difficulty with sleep and certainly controlling their mood.

                So berberine's been studied with regard to how it affects the brain. And specifically in the study we looked at, which was looking at sleep, it was compared to a, well, a fairly well known drug called diazepam. And what berberine showed was a significant increase in serotonin, about 47%, again, over weeks as we've, again, talked about short and long-term effects of berberine. And as well as dopamine, and that was a little more than 30%, and this can certainly very positively impact both your sleep and your mood.

                So, John, what were you finding?

John Gildea (01:32):

Yeah. So I think the interesting angle here with sleep is, it's a process that is not a super well-known phenomenon, but it is the connection between blood sugars and sleep quality. So one of the factors that plays into that is, well, when you're preparing for sleep, one of the things that happens in your circadian rhythm is you get melatonin production. So one part of melatonin production is what I like to call your mini-hibernation. So you're trying to slow down all your metabolic processes so that whatever energy is available is able to go to repair and recover. And in this particular case, melatonin blocks the action of insulin.

                So if you've eaten a meal that's late in the day, you have blood glucose levels that are high, and then your melatonin kicks in. You're going to go to sleep, and that glucose level stays high all through the night. So interestingly, in this case, if you can lower your blood glucose levels before bed, you can expect that you're going to be able to have that mini-hibernation that everyone craves. And when you have good sleep, everyone knows what that feels like. And in this particular case, the people that have test-driven our product with our berberine, that's the biggest thing that people are noticing, is better recovery from sleep.

Martin Katz (02:52):

Wow. So yeah, we definitely get some testimonials on BerbElite and sleep. And again, I just don't know many patients in my practice who come in and say, "Dr. Katz, I need less sleep." It's almost always asking or discussing how they can improve their sleep. And we talk about certainly not eating late at night, and now we have a mechanism, certainly not drinking alcohol.

                With all the wearables, the AURAs and all the different wearables, we're seeing such a correlation between alcohol, eating late at night and sleep. And here we're discussing and certainly bringing this bioavailable BerbElite. Again, if you've watched the previous discussion about as being effective more short term and how maybe that can have an effect on your sleep that night. Pretty awesome. So please, if you're enjoying, please subscribe, click on the links below. Thank you.


1 Comment

this sounds wonderful !
I will order some new BerbElite, and enjoy along with my already super BrocElite!

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