Traditional Lebanese Tabouli


By Laudi Wehbe

The parents of my family friends came to visit recently. They live in Australia but are originally from Lebanon. And during the visit, I had the opportunity to enjoy traditional tabouli. Interestingly, the tabouli that is typically found at the store in the States isn’t authentic. It has much more cracked wheat than tabouli you’ll find in the Middle East. And it is tasty, super easy to make, and healthy. Bon appétit!

Serves 12

½ cup cracked wheat
4 green onion sprigs
10 organic tomatoes
8 bunches organic parsley
1 bunch mint
1 shallot 
¼ cup organic lemon juice 
½ cup olive oil
salt to taste

Start by dicing the tomatoes and placing them into a bowl. Next take the cracked wheat and place it into a bowl. Cover it with water and immediately rinse. Chop the green onions, shallot and mint and place them into a bowl. Chop the parsley and place it into a large salad bowl. Go back to the bowl with the tomatoes and pour out all of the tomato juice that has accumulated on the bottom. Next, combine everything into the large bowl with the parsley and toss the ingredients like a salad. Lastly, salt to taste (around 2-4 tsp).   

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